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Eyelash Extensions

After Care Points to remember that will ensure you get the best out of your Eyelash Extensions

• No water for 24 hours. This includes, steam from spas and saunas. When you shower within this time frame let the water run down the back of your head. When washing your face go around your eyes and lashes.


• Following the 24 hour rule. It is very important that you wash your lashes. Keeping them clean of sleep, oils, dust and makeup. At Beauté Bar we retail an amazing brand of Lash Cleanser that will help to keep them squeaky clean. It has antibacterial properties! We show you how to clean your lashes when you come in for your lash Appointment.


• Brush your Lashes. This keeps them nicely separated and straight. After sleeping and showering they might get a little crissy crossy which could possibly create a tangle and not to mention they wont look amazing!


• No oils or products near your Lashes other than the recommended cleanser. The oil in most products will cause the adhesive to weaken or dissolve. Your lashes will fall out faster!


• Do not rub, twist, pull or play with your extensions at all. You might accidentally pull out a Natural Lash and your fingers may transfer bacteria or oil onto them.


• Schedule your infill appointment. We recommend infills or top ups every 3 weeks. Your Natural lashes are continually growing, falling out and renewing. Some clients like to come earlier or later it depends on your lash cycle and how you look after them and like them to look. We replace lost loose extensions so that you are back to your original set again, we can also add or reduce length or fullness depending on your preferences

Eyelash Extensions  - Frequently Asked Questions

What are Eyelash Extensions?

Eyelash Extensions are a technique that enhances your Natural lashes by the application of synthetic lashes made from synthetic material, silk and Synthetic mink (we do not use real mink!)

Your Natural Lashes are individually isolated to carefully place a single extension (Classic) or a fan (Russian Volume)

How Long does it take?

Allow up to 2 hours for your Eyelash Extension Service. We pride ourselves on giving you the most perfect look possible. This means we isolate every single Natural Lash, we do not just slap your lashes in quickly giving you clumpy lashes that are unable to be brushed!

How long do they last?

Your lashes will last at their best for 3-4 weeks. Your natural lashes have a growth cycle so they are naturally shedding all the time. We generally lose about 3-4 lashes per day so if you imagine that over 3 weeks that is around 70 lashes lost so this will make your lashes look thinner. Don't worry though, during this time of losing lashes you have had lashes grow as well. That's why we never normally notice the difference, it is only that you have had a longer/thicker extension applied and you lose these, that you notice it missing.

Does it hurt?

Not at all! If you have any pain during or after your lash appointment you should let your lash Technician know immediately!

Do you cut my Natural Lashes?

No at all! Surprisingly we get this question a lot, we have heard some horror stories! We do not trim your lashes after they have been applied.

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